
This blog is about being really random and entertaining. Stay tune for reviews, thoughts, and even personal stories.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

#Daiso (small haul)

   Slowly, I been seeing Dasio stores magically pop up around my area. For months I would drive by it and wonder what they sell. I knew it was Japanese but there products and prices was a mystery to me...until now.  My friend informed me its a Japanese dollar store (well 1.50). WHAT? All this time I been clueless of all the savings I could have?! True I could of just looked it up online...but now I finally know. I then made it a mission to go and explore this new found place. 

    Thoughts: very nice. The Dasio I went to greets you with a bunch of windows. A nice size Dasio (not the biggest one I seen) with a area dedicated to kitchenware. I had a mini heart attack as I saw all these bowls and cups knowing that most of these are at the adorable price of 1.50! They also have great little things for gifts and offer really pretty gift bags/wrapping paper. Overall I thought these products and prices was reasonable. Yeah $1.50 is a great price you just got to make sure you don't go overboard. I couldn't come out of that store with noting. So here are the things I got and my thoughts on it!

*I FOUND SOME CUTE GIVEAWAYS...So if you want that so to the end* updated 4/1      


These crystal push pins are perfect to give a cork board a little more shine. Its cute, its cheap, and its work nicely. Plus its big and sturdy enough so you could hang jewelry on it.

For those who likes crafting, Dasio is the perfect place to find items. I fell in love on how adorable these masking tape were. One is with a mixture of birds and flowers with the saying "have a good time!" displayed across it. As for the apple one, it offers the sweet words of "Thank you very much!". Now these tapes are somewhat transparent so I recommend to put it across a light cover surface so you can see the tape better. But for $1.50, I thought this was a steal. 

Pocky. It's simply the best. For those of you who don't know what pocky is, it's little biscuit sticks dipped in delicious favor creams. I never tried the green tea one before...and it was amazing.

Hand Sanitizer is always good to have on hand. My mom recently been raving about this hand sanitizer spray she got at for $3, so when I saw this for a dollar I decided to get it. I mean its noting special but I like it. The good thing is tho, this offers vitamin E and kills 99.9% of germs. Not bad for a dollar.

    This letter set is adorable. Comes with 12 letter papers which displays a cute little elephant. 6 envelopes and 1 set of 6 stickers...all equally kawaii. They had a lot more letter sets that displays more colors, themes, etc...but I went for the simple but cute one. I have a pen pal and thought this would be a nice thing to send her. I absolute love it and the price was amazing! Letter sets for 1.50 are hard to come by.

******    ******

Its not a lot, but I'm sure the next time I go there I may go a little more insane. I like Dasio and find it a perfect place to get supplies for crafts. They of course have a lot more things at their store, and I can see myself going there a lot more often. Without the pocky, my total was $6.00. Not bad, As I was walking out I saw the green tea pocky and knew I had to get to. So if I tally everything, it comes out to $8.00. That's reasonable I think for the items I got. Overall, I like this cute $1.50 store and looking forward to spending my extra cash there on random goodies. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

So I went on the internet and found some giveaways you can enter (In honor how cute Daiso is)

Soft and Fluffy on tumblr is hosting a giveaway for Kawaii Box. She's super Kawaii so make sure to follow her and enter her giveaway.

Paradise Galaxy party (isn't that a awesomename?) is also hosting a similar giveaway. She really gives you a insight in everything Kawaii so go and check her out!

Also another awesome blog. Is glas gives us a lovely review of this very cute monthly box.

Monday, March 16, 2015

#x factor new zealand thoughts

    *I get somewhat really passionate on this topic so get ready*

      I just came across this story and thought "Is this real life right now?" OH MY. Allow me to tell you about this outrageous story..

      We all know what X factor is right? A somewhat reality based music show where they give people the chance to make it big with there musical talent. Well X factor New Zealand took a awkward turn on Saturday (Mar 14) when ex-judges Natalia Kills and Willy Moon (who are married) started harshly "judging" Joe Irvine's appearance. They were basically spewing a endless supply of nonsense at him. Irvine gave a performance of Justin Timberlake's famous song "Cry Me a River" while wearing a classy suit and tie and had his hair slicked back. Noting wrong with that right? Apparently for the married judges this made all the difference. Natalia Kills stated "Ladies and gentleman, i'm going to state the obvious. We have a Doppelganger in our midst. As a artist who respects creative intercity and intellectual property. I am disgusted by how much you had copied my husband. Do you have any value or respect for originality?" She then goes on with "You're a laughingstock. It's cheesy. It's disgusting. I personally found it absolutely artistically atrocious. I am embarrassed to be sitting here in your presence having to even dignify you with an answer of her opinion."  Then there's her husband who said "To me, it just feels a little cheap and absurd. It's like Norman Bates dressing up in his mother's clothing. It's just a little bit creepy and I feel like you're going to stitch someone's skin to your face and then kill everybody in the audience."

<-Me when I read the quotes

     I wish those quote weren't real, but they are. I don't even know where to freaking start. When we look at Irvine we just saw him a man with a nice suit and haircut. For Kills, she saw a man who was just out there to steal her husbands "style". What the actual f@#k. Her calling out Irvine on being unoriginal and stealing is just so...stupid. I wonder how she acts at dinner parties where all the men are dress in suits. Does she goes to each and every one of them and call them unoriginal and accuse them for stealing styles? Oh so apparently wearing a suit and having your hair slicked back is Willy Moon style. She keeps wailing on Irvine on being unoriginal. X Factor is a show singing other peoples songs. How in any way is he being unoriginal? Let the man wear what ever he wants Natalia Kills!           What Willy Moon said to Irvine was even more outrageous. "I feel like you're going to stitch someone's skin to your face..." You don't flat out tell a guy he looks like hes a serial killer, especially when he did noting wrong. He even called Irvine Norman Bates which got me thinking. Kills stated that Irvine is copying her husband's style. Moon said that Irvine reminds him of Norman Bates. So....Is Moon basically calling himself the psycho Norman Bates? I don't even know anymore. As I reread his quote, he makes no sense. What is he trying to say.. i don't even know all I got was him calling Irvine a psychopath. So yeah they may of done this to get notice in the public eye, but to do it this way...Why are they so worked up on Irvine's appearance anyway? This show should be about the musical talents. That's it. 

This is why I love the internet, for these moments. Everyone banded together to call out these two judges for there bullying and demanded for them to be taken off the show...and it worked. I applaud Joe Irvine for keeping his cool on stage. Bullying is not fun and some people can't handle it.

Watch the madness unfold ->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyrN-twMTQE     

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

#my dogs

   I'll admit it. I'm somewhat of a crazy dog lady. Not in the sense where I dress them up all the time and carry them in purses where ever I go. But, i just prefer to hang out with them...and take a lot of pictures of them. So here is a post talking about my 2 dogs so if your not a dog lover...sorry...wait no i'm not.


    My first dog is a silky Yorkie terrier by the name of Mojo. He is the best dog ever. period. Many years ago I wanted to get a dog. So, I wrote out a whole list of places they have dogs for sale. The first house was in LA and this lady comes out with the cutest yorkie ever. In that moment I fell in love and took him home. That mojo's story. I can do anything to him and he doesn't care. He loves food more than anything, so he is a little over weight. But that's OK, he can pull off the fat belly. He is very lazy and prefers to sleep than play with you. He was hyper until I got my other dog, maybe he got depressed or something. He even became more chilled when I neutered him. He doesn't bark but when he does, he sounds like a chicken. No joke. My other dog took his caged and I didn't want to spend money on another so I just let him sleep with me. Always sleeping between my legs, he snores all night long and is the deepest sleeper I have ever saw. I can pick him up, shake him, put him down and he'll still be asleep. You can tell he's getting older because every once in a while he'll bark at you for no reason. Yet, he's still as cute as ever. Wow...I am a really crazy dog lady.

     The second one goes by the name Cotton who is a maltipoo (half maltese/half poodle). I wasn't looking to get a 2nd dog, it just happened. My aunt's dog had 3 puppies. Two of them were normal sized caramel brown puppies. The 3rd one was smaller than the others and was as white as fresh snow. Sadly, the little white one was rejected by her mother so she wasn't getting as much milk as she needed. My aunt didn't want to care for that puppy and asked me to take her. At first I was hesitant to take her as I already had a dog and two dogs would be a lot of work, but I caved in to her cuteness. I basically knew her all her life and took her home when she was only a week and a half old. It was insane. I had to make those instant milk for puppies and put in in this tiny bottle and make her eat it. She hated that bottle so I would struggle for hours to make her drink the milk. She was a adorable fluff ball who like to take her naps on my chest and listen to my heart beat. Mojo didn't exactly hate her, just didn't know what to do with her. She would bite his ears and he would freak out and run away. I think he just got somewhat depressed that I had to spend a lot of time with her making sure she was alright. She eventually grew up into this hyper dog who thinks she is the alpha. She for sure bosses Mojo around and good old Mojo just takes it. She loves attention, its either her or nobody. But, she is smart and listens to me as for Mojo just doesn't care what you say. My dogs personality to one another are polar oppisites but they still love each other. One time, my brother wanted to take Mojo to his house for the whole day so I let him. The either time, cotton was searching all around for Mojo. When he brought him back the next day, cotton would not leave his side. Literary, she would walk with her side next to his side.

    It's hard work to have two dogs especially with each dog having a different personality. In time, they eventually chill out and fit into a routine you can manage. I would say the first two months of getting a new puppy is the hardest. As long as you train and teach them, you would enjoy having them around. I'm glad I have two, they make my life even more enjoyable. They are basically my...very furry children. I have so many pictures of them it ridiculous.

I'm really a crazy dog lady.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

#Small reads

Here are some random pieces I wrote. Hope you enjoy!


You came to me in the spring,

warm and light you were meant to be,

everyone loved you,

with your dances across the hills,

but you told us you must say your adieus,

and you promised to visit someday,

then you left without a trace,

cold darkness slowly consume this place,

but no matter because i knew,

the sunshine will return very soon.


We were one,

then we broke,

you then left me,

with all the pieces.

The little cup

The little cup wanted to explore,

even from all the warning from the other dishes,

the little cup wanted to see the other side of the counter,

so off the little cup went,

a little to far i'm afraid,

he went flying off to the floor,

and shattered into pieces forevermore,

but do not worry for the little cup found what he was searching for,

adventure, yes that's all he wanted.

Lunch Table

I love you,

is what I wanted to say,

at the lunch table today,

but my awkwardness was to strong,

So for now i'll just wait behind this line,

the line i will one day cross,

to be more than a friend.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

A little thank you

 I just realized my first post was really weird. It was basically like "Oh your here. cool. I don't know what to say." I want to take this blog to the next level. I want to make great content for viewers...like you! I sometimes stress a little to much when I have no topics to write about. That happens a lot because this blog is all over the place, with no single theme. That's why I called it "The Act of Randomness"! I just want to give my thoughts and take advantage of this great community to share and finally use my love for writing to work. So, this is a little thank you for reading my posts. I sincerely hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. (~^.^)~

Friday, March 6, 2015

#Things to do in LA

  Are you in LA for vacation? Don't know what to do? Let a California born and raised resident help you out! Even if you're here for a day to even a week, here are some of my favorite places to go to.

1. The Last Bookstore
    A wonderful place to visit, The Last Bookstore is a unique book shop. Old and new books from all different shape and sizes covers the 2 story building. They also have a area devoted to records! Wonderful art pieces are hidden everywhere, this place is basically one big art show going on all the time. To make this place even better, the second floor holds various shops ranging from arts to antiques. There so many things going on, you never get old of this place.

2. Go to MOCA and walk around.
    Love modern art? I highly recommend you go and visit MOCA (more info at http://www.moca.org/ ). If art not your thing, walking around MOCA is a nice way to enjoy the California sunshine. There's actually a lot of hidden gems around it. Walk down the road and you hit the Walt Disney concert hall. There gift shop is actually very interesting to look at. Across the street from that is the small but lovely Grand Park which offers a nice place to relax and even enjoy some lunch.

3.Art District Co-Op
   Only open from Friday to Sunday, art district co-op offers a wide range of one-of-a-kind stores. In the heart of downtown LA art district, they offer vendors in a open market manner. A fun place to discover some art and cool stuff to buy. Come and discover what L.A's art district has to offer.

4.Go visit the Eastern building
    If you don't mind walking and exploring, go see the beautiful Eastern Columbia building over on Broadway. A beautiful art deco building that will take your breath away. The entrance is dazzling. You can't actually get into the building because they are lofts (you can probably sneak in the lobby if your stealthy enough) but you can still enjoy the cafes and shops it offers around it. I personally like walking around and taking pictures so if you're like me, this is one building you need to go see. 
5. Bottega Louie
    Probably a lot of people will tell you to come here. You should. There deserts are delicious and this is the home of my favorite macaroons. Its also a classy restaurant with reasonable prices. So if you want to go on a romantic dinner or simply just craving sweets, this is one of the best places in L.A. for that. Also beautiful building. Just be aware a lot of people love to go here....So you might not get seated right away! http://www.bottegalouie.com/

6. Take the metro and explore pasadena
    Even with the metro system here being fairly new, it still a great way to get to the outer parts of LA. Simply go to the beautiful Union Station and find the line that heads out to Pasadena (I believe its the gold line). You get off either South Pasadena which has cool little shops and even a little rental video store! Or...I think you get off at memorial park station to where the local calls it old town Pasadena. I live in Pasadena so this is my go to area to shop, eat, and relax. (If you like books there is a local bookstore by the name of Vromans. You need to go to this 2 story book shop...its awesome)

    These are just some of the awesome local places you can go and explore. L.A. is huge and if you look hard enough you can find all the hidden gems.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

#That time I went to go see Paul McCartney

  A little TBT to September. I was just chilling in my room one day, procrastinating the new school year, when my Dad called and ask me if I want to go with him to San Diego and see Paul McCartney live. He informs me he be there for business and he be working at the same time. I didn't care if I get to see Paul for free...i'm seeing Paul for free.

   A little known fact, i'm a huge Beatles fan. Not the "yeah I like them because there soooo big and everyone else like them" kind a way. I'm the hard core in love with the music and how there sound change music blah blah kind of way. OK kinda geek out there. Overall, I really like the Beatles. So I was in full bliss when my Dad invited me. It was a 2 hour drive from our house to San Diego. I had school the next day and my mom did not want me to miss school at ALL. Which means we have to drive a that long 2 hour drive back. But that didn't discourage us, our love for music was too big to be broken. So off we went to the Petco stadium. Enjoying each other company while rocking out to classics like David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Queen, and of course, The Beatles. That 2 hour drive is now one of my favorite memories.

    Man there was a lot of people there. We had to circle the area for parking 4 times. Eventually we gave up and park 10 blocks away. Walking there was like a mosh pit. The street was filled with middle age people, no young teens. We all slowly migrated into the stadium. As everyone squeeze into the entrance my dad informs me we need to go a different way. So, he escorted me pass the masses into a glass door. Then appeared a doorman who ask for our tickets. We showed them and he led us to a elevator. While waiting for it to come, I notice everyone in the room is really fancy with suits and expensive looking dresses. As for me I came in a old collar shirt, worn out black skinny jean, and a fake flower crown (Ha i'm wearing the same outfit now minus the flower power). Feeling really awkward the elevator came which took us to the main seats. My Dad again escorted me to a private booth where you had to scan your tickets to get in. WHAT?! The door opens and you see this really fancy suite. A nice counter with food, fridge stock with beer and diet coke, a couch, and a fantastic view. Amazing. I never been in a suite before so this took my breath away. But of course all the people there was my Dad's business/clients so I imminently felt out of place (The only one here looking like a hippie). But, they were very polite offering me food every 5 mins. I slowly found my seat in the first row waiting eagerly for Paul's performance.
So good...

LOL my dad

So there I am alone in the front row while my dad talk business. Best. Day. EVER.
Slowly but surely the time came for the performance. This was only my 2nd concert ever but I would consider this to be the best ever. Paul sang great, dancing and singing getting the crowd all pumped. These huge TV screens stood on each side of the stage displaying him and really cool images. This concert lasted forever. Each time you thought he was done he would come back out and sing. I loved it. All enjoying free food and the best seats in the house. It was funny to see the crowd dance and sing there hearts out with Paul. I didn't dance but I sang loud and proud....in my head. My Dad was the one singing and rocking out with his buddies. Great to see him so happy.

  Yes.Yes.Yes. I believed the show ended around 11:30 pm. We said our goodbyes and made our way back to our car. Even with the concert being over, there was still a party going on. Everyone drifted to bars and restaurants as the night was "still young". Seemed fun as all the places were playing Beatles songs. Eventually found our car and was greeted with traffic. Lots and lots of traffic. Delirious and tried, we spend 3 hours (yeah there was so much traffic) in the car, singing until our voices gave out. So hard to stay await, I remember my Dad and I talking and singing the most random stuff ever. 3 am we finally made it home. I don't know why, I must of been to tried because I just passed out on the coach. 4 hours later I woke up to attend my classes. Still the best night ever. Thanks Dad.

Monday, March 2, 2015

# California Sterotypes

     A old family friend from England finally came to California. As she was here I realized she associated a lot of stereotypes of Californians to us. So today I would like to take this time to confirm/denied common stereotypes.

1. Do you surf all the time?
     Like really? Surfing is really tricky and I like how some people just assume we do. No, in fact most of us don't even surf. I mean we all wish we could somewhat surf deep inside us but in reality we don't have the time (and the traffic is to bad to go to the beach.)

2. Californians are addicted to driving everywhere.
      This is unbelievably true about us. L.A. is about 503 sq miles and thats not really counting "greater Los Angeles". With all that space, it just seems easier to take your car. To be honest, we have little public transformation. The metro is just beginning to expand to other locations across California. I believe as public transportation grows more convenient for us, more people will start using it. Yet it always nice to be in your own car where you can sing and say whatever you want.

3. Have you ever meet a famous person?
    I mean....not really? Its not like there out all the time in the most common places. If your lucky you will catch one. Personally I never met one in all my years living here...which has been my whole life.

4. Do know what seasons are?
     We know of it we just never really saw it. Southern California is mostly sunny all the time and some weird weeks where a bunch a rainstorms come and go. In Northern California you see more fall and winter but not that much of a difference. During storms if were lucky enough, we will get snow in our mountains. So yeah, we somewhat get seasons.

5. When it rains is it the end of the world!?

     Sadly enough most Californians don't know "how to even" when the temperature drops below 70 and a rainstorm comes. I means it really odd when it rains. But I like it, a nice change every now and then is nice. Some people can go over board by bundling up like its -20 outside while in reality its only 60. The funniest reaction to rain is actually when people from other places come to California when it rains. Here are some quotes from my British friend: "I thought it always sunny!", "Why is this happening?" and "This is so weird!!". So yes we are creep out by the rain but we all know it will be nice and sunny soon. 

6. You must go to Disneyland a lot right?
I would if I was rich...

7.Why aren't you that tan?
     Not all of us sit out on the beach everyday/ get spray tans. At least for me, I like to stay in and hide away from the heat. Getting a natural tan is hard work too. Try sitting out there, cooking in the sun, hopping your sunscreen hasn't melted off. Its not always that hot but you could do a lot more useful things for the time it takes to tan. And just personally I don't like how spray tans look.

8. Do you say "like, bro, way, and dude" all the time?
     I say "like" wayyy to much. See? I really like to use like in most of my sentences. I do know some people who says "bro" and "dude" in every other sentence they say. I wanted to use like there but hold myself back. It just seems natural and I didn't realize people didn't use those words so much as we do.

9. Road rage?
You f#*king know it.

10. Are you really into fitness A.K.A juice cleanses?
     I can see why people think that. California (or at least in southern CA) has a lot more juice places that offer cleanses. I means this new thing is slowly taking people by storm but not all of us do it. Yeah its cool to try it but most...at least for me...just don't care about so much.

    California is a lovely place to visit and most of us are not even close to the stereotypes some people give us.What do you think? Am I right or am I wrong about some things? (I probably am). As always, thanks for reading!

Not bad....

Sunday, March 1, 2015

#Cuteness overload ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

I have a weakness for cute things. And over the years I collect some unbelievably kawaii things. Today I will show some to you.



I LOVE THIS. A nice pin board I got to pin what I collected over the years. From concert tickets to pictures of my favorite city (LA), this is a nice center piece. I also hanged up Christmas lights in my room which makes my board looks extra lovely.

You move up to my wonderfully random shelve. Starting from the left you can see a AMAZING painting my friend made. It looks straight out of the show Adventure Time! (and if you look closely you can see me riding jake). I have one of my favorite snow globes up there; My very first and favorite album (AM by the Arctic Monkeys). A sugar cookie candle that weirdly has a recipe for cinnamon rolls and a flower piece I took from my cousins wedding. It was to pretty!

This is the cleanest my desk has been in a long, long time. So I thank you blog for having me clean up my desk, even if its still looks messy. A big assortment of items from snow globes, pencils, stickers, and cute little tiger statue. 

Now lets see some kawaii items

Behold. One of the greatest inventions every made. This here is the game boy color Pokemon edition. I couldn't let go of my childhood that easy. I usually just play tetris at work and when I get caught...I just show them the adorableness of pikachu and they forget what they are doing. Yes this thing is the best!

I wish I was as talented as my friend. She made this Molang (who is the most adorable bunny in the world) teap cup. Hand man people! Just out of nowhere she was like "I wanted to learn how to sew so I made this for you". She even made my name in the drink. Adorable.
                                  <- You can see my reflection
             For the longest time I didn't hang anything in my room. I always wanted to but never found the right pieces. Until now. I actually got these in a giveaway and was so glad! This artist is so talented and the pieces are so detailed. Here is more of her art -> http://metapham.tictail.com/about

My cluttered desk is displaying Totoro! A gift from a dear friend, I like to take him everywhere if I can. So fluffy and cute, he can brighten your day everyday. You can also put him on your car window, so when I do go on a road trip, you know he be my buddy all the way.

If I had a totoro you know I had to have a sootball! This cute little ball comes with me everywhere. True I get weird looks sometimes because people only see is a black ball with eyes but we all know he's Studio Ghibi cuteness. Surprise he never fell off he's the prefect piece for my purse. 

Thanks for reading some of the things I found that was cute. If you want to start your own collection of Kawaii things, you can enter the Blog "She Will Be" giveaway for a free Kawaii Box. Hurry before it ends and also check her blog for more cuteness! 
Sylvia's blog -> http://shewillbee.blogspot.hk/ 

If you want more head on over to Nancy's YouTube page to enter in her giveaway. Her YouTube page has all sorts of cuteness! This one is the NEWEST so hurry on over >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xdd03tlYtk 

Super cute and super kawaii, Ayame Niseko can give you daily stuff on all things cute!

THIS ONE IS GONNA END SOON! poopintionplace gave us a adorable review on blippo and now she is giving us the opition to enter in a super cute giveaway.