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Monday, March 16, 2015

#x factor new zealand thoughts

    *I get somewhat really passionate on this topic so get ready*

      I just came across this story and thought "Is this real life right now?" OH MY. Allow me to tell you about this outrageous story..

      We all know what X factor is right? A somewhat reality based music show where they give people the chance to make it big with there musical talent. Well X factor New Zealand took a awkward turn on Saturday (Mar 14) when ex-judges Natalia Kills and Willy Moon (who are married) started harshly "judging" Joe Irvine's appearance. They were basically spewing a endless supply of nonsense at him. Irvine gave a performance of Justin Timberlake's famous song "Cry Me a River" while wearing a classy suit and tie and had his hair slicked back. Noting wrong with that right? Apparently for the married judges this made all the difference. Natalia Kills stated "Ladies and gentleman, i'm going to state the obvious. We have a Doppelganger in our midst. As a artist who respects creative intercity and intellectual property. I am disgusted by how much you had copied my husband. Do you have any value or respect for originality?" She then goes on with "You're a laughingstock. It's cheesy. It's disgusting. I personally found it absolutely artistically atrocious. I am embarrassed to be sitting here in your presence having to even dignify you with an answer of her opinion."  Then there's her husband who said "To me, it just feels a little cheap and absurd. It's like Norman Bates dressing up in his mother's clothing. It's just a little bit creepy and I feel like you're going to stitch someone's skin to your face and then kill everybody in the audience."

<-Me when I read the quotes

     I wish those quote weren't real, but they are. I don't even know where to freaking start. When we look at Irvine we just saw him a man with a nice suit and haircut. For Kills, she saw a man who was just out there to steal her husbands "style". What the actual f@#k. Her calling out Irvine on being unoriginal and stealing is just so...stupid. I wonder how she acts at dinner parties where all the men are dress in suits. Does she goes to each and every one of them and call them unoriginal and accuse them for stealing styles? Oh so apparently wearing a suit and having your hair slicked back is Willy Moon style. She keeps wailing on Irvine on being unoriginal. X Factor is a show singing other peoples songs. How in any way is he being unoriginal? Let the man wear what ever he wants Natalia Kills!           What Willy Moon said to Irvine was even more outrageous. "I feel like you're going to stitch someone's skin to your face..." You don't flat out tell a guy he looks like hes a serial killer, especially when he did noting wrong. He even called Irvine Norman Bates which got me thinking. Kills stated that Irvine is copying her husband's style. Moon said that Irvine reminds him of Norman Bates. So....Is Moon basically calling himself the psycho Norman Bates? I don't even know anymore. As I reread his quote, he makes no sense. What is he trying to say.. i don't even know all I got was him calling Irvine a psychopath. So yeah they may of done this to get notice in the public eye, but to do it this way...Why are they so worked up on Irvine's appearance anyway? This show should be about the musical talents. That's it. 

This is why I love the internet, for these moments. Everyone banded together to call out these two judges for there bullying and demanded for them to be taken off the show...and it worked. I applaud Joe Irvine for keeping his cool on stage. Bullying is not fun and some people can't handle it.

Watch the madness unfold ->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyrN-twMTQE     

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